Purley Planning Summary – 9th October 2022

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The current volume of planning applications and decisions in the PWRA area can make it challenging to keep up with what is being proposed for our area. Consequently the PWRA Planning Officer now prepares a summary of planning activity in our area so we can more easily track this, and determine the action we will take for new planning applications.

We believe that this will also be useful for members and publish it here so YOU can quickly see what we believe to be the most significant planning matters in the PWRA area, the actions we will be taking / have taken, and enable members to take their own actions (eg objecting or supporting new planning applications).

Please do read through this Planning Summary, and we strongly urge you to also take the actions that we at the PWRA will be taking (see Objection reasons in RED INK) in response to the new applications listed.

Running Total of Additional Housing Units in the PWRA Area (from 2018):

Total: 3414 housing units

of which:

Approved: 1852 housing units

Pending: 465 housing units

Refused: 949 housing units

Withdrawn: 148 housing units

Applications Granted

Ummed Villa, Birch Lane (Ref: 22/02577/FUL) Demolition of existing house and construction of new 4+ bed house.

33 Foxley Lane (Ref: 22/01970/FUL) 5 bed house adjacent existing property.

129a Foxley Lane (Ref: 21/04691/FUL) Retrospective approval for a 4 bed house. Comment: The development of the house was approved under application 17/04305/FUL. Amendments to that approval (eg changes in materials, additional windows) had not previously been submitted under an NMA application.

6-12 Woodcote Valley Road (Ref: 20/00686/FUL) 29 McCarthy & Stone retirement flats. Comment: McCarthy & Stone are already well advanced on this development under a prior planning consent.

Applications Refused

20 Purley Knoll (Ref: 21/04859/FUL) 7 flats and 2 houses Comment: Reason for refusal: Out of Character.

6A Russell Hill Road (Ref: 22/01599/FUL) Conversion of existing flat into 2 flats. Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) Loss of a 3 bed dwelling; ii) Sub-standard accommodation, iii) Inadequate cycle parking; iv) Inadequate refuse provision.

6-16 Russell Hill Road (Tudor Court) (Ref: 22/02105/FUL) Extension and conversion of third floor roof space and creation of a fourth floor with 9 x 2 bed flats. Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) Over-development; ii) Out of character; iii) Unacceptable mix of flats (ie no 3 bed flats); iv) Inadequate cycle parking.

27 Russell Hill (Ref: 22/00851/FUL) 9 flats Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) Out of Character; ii) Detrimental to neighbours amenity; iii) Poor standard of accommodation; iv) Inadequate information on the effect trees and ecology; v) Inadequate car parking; iv) Highway issues.

30 Russell Hill (former Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Residential Care Home) (Ref: 21/00173/FUL) Construction of 2 blocks of flats with a total of 24 flats. Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) Out of character; ii) Over-development; iii) Failure to mitigate impact of development (eg through car club, carbon offsetting).

84 Woodcote Valley Road (Ref: 21/04550/FUL) 7 flats and 2 houses Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) Out of Character; ii) Pre-Application advise was not followed.

Significant New Applications                                                                                  

107 Foxley Lane (Ref: 22/04037/FUL) Part demolition of 107 Foxley Lane and erection of a block of 4 flats (2 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed) together with 5 x 3 bed houses with 12 car parking spaces. Comment: Propose objection based on: Over-development, Out of character, Detrimental to the amenity of occupiers of adjoining properties, Highway concerns.

5 Purley Road (Ref: 22/03183/FUL) First and second floor extensions and a rear roof terrace and change of use of the first floor to provide 1 x 3 bed maisonette and alterations to the shopfront to provide access. Comment: This is Walsh Jewellers. Propose a neutral stance.

Armston – Woodcote Drive (Ref: 22/03258/FUL) Demolition of existing family home and construction of 9 (3 x 2 bed, 5 x 3 bed) with 9 car spaces. Comment: This property is just outside and adjacent to the PWRA area. It is opposite John Fisher School. Having been made aware of it, and the consultation deadline (6th October) we have already objected.


14 Oakwood Ave (Ref: 20/01625/FUL) 18 flats. Comment: Appeal against refusal of planning consent. Reasons for refusal: i) Out of Character; ii) Detrimental to neighbours amenity; iii) a. the development would not provide a suitably high quality of accommodation for future occupiers; b. the stepped access to the play space is not accessible or inclusive; c. a Fire Statement has not been submitted to demonstrate that fire risk has been adequately mitigate.


1A Woodcote Valley Road (Ref: 22/01483/FUL) Extension of existing house and conversion into 5 flats. Comment: PWRA had objected.

Extra Comments:

It is noticeable that many more applications for the discharge of planning conditions, after the grant of planning consent, are now being refused.

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