Purley Planning Summary – 20th February 2023

Purley Planning Summary – 20th February 2023

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The current volume of planning applications and decisions in the PWRA area can make it challenging to keep up with what is being proposed for our area. Consequently the PWRA Planning Officer now prepares a summary of planning activity in our area so we can more easily track this, and determine the action we will take for new planning applications.

We believe that this will also be useful for members and publish it here so YOU can quickly see what we believe to be the most significant planning matters in the PWRA area, the actions we will be taking / have taken, and enable members to take their own actions (eg objecting or supporting new planning applications).

Please do read through this Planning Summary, and we strongly urge you to also take the actions that we at the PWRA will be taking (see Objection reasons in RED INK) in response to the new applications listed.

Running Total of Additional Housing Units in the PWRA Area (from 2018):

Total: 3489 housing units

of which:

Approved: 1871 housing units

Pending: 344 housing units

Refused: 1106 housing units

Withdrawn: 168 housing units

Applications Granted

14 Oakwood Avenue (Ref: 22/04987/FUL) Construction of 2 houses replacing existing. Comment: This is an earlier application to the new one on the 22nd January report.

9 Warren Road (Ref: 22/04673/FUL) A terrace of 5 x 4 bed houses.

Applications Refused

66 Brighton Road (Ref: 22/05023/FUL) Rear and side extension of existing property to increase it from 2 x 2 bed flats to 4 x 2 bed flats. Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) Out of character, ii) Poor standard of accommodation, iii) ‘Unneighbourly form of development that would harm the amenity of neighbouring properties in the form of loss of privacy, loss of outlook, being overbearing, creating an increased sense of enclosure, and excessive noise and disturbance’, iv) Impact on trees, v) Failure to demonstrate that SUDS requirements would be met

11 Little Woodcote Lane (Ref: 21/03422/FUL) Sub-division of plot and construction of a house adjacent to the existing. Comment: Reasons for refusal: ‘The proposed development, by reason of its siting, overall scale and design, would be out of keeping with the semi-rural character of the surrounding area.’

20 Manor Way (Ref: 20/06275/OUT) Demolition of existing property and construction of 4 houses. Comment: This application for 20 Manor Way (there have been a number of them and a new one is still pending!) has been refused at Appeal. The key sentence from the Planning Inspectors decision letter is: ‘I conclude that the proposed development would harm the character and appearance of the area.’ 

14 Oakwood Avenue (Ref: 20/01625/FUL) Demolition of existing property and construction of a 4 storey building with 18 flats with basement car parking. Comment: Refused at Appeal. Key sentences from the Planning Inspectors decision letter are: i) ‘I therefore conclude that that the proposed development would detract from the character and appearance of the surrounding are’ ii) ‘I conclude that the proposal would harm the living conditions of No 16 Oakwood Avenue with respect to outlook.’

31 Pampisford Road (Ref: 22/05018/OUT) Division of site and construction of a 4 bed house to rear, with no car parking. Comment: Reasons for refusal: i)Development would not retain a sufficient amount of the existing grounds and garden area and does not provide a 10m retention distance across the width of the remaining garden area, ii) Negative impact on the suburban character of the area, iii) Poor quality level of accommodation for occupiers of the development, iv) Failure to make adequate provision for cycle and refuse storage facilities, v) In the absence of a legal agreement, the application does not offer a car free development which restricts the future occupiers right to the application of a car parking permit within the existing CPZ.

1a Woodcote Valley Road (Ref: 22/04673/FUL) Extension and division of existing house to create 5 flats. Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) Failure to provide sufficient 3-bed units, ii) The proposed extensions, by reason of their bulk, mass and design would be detrimental to the appearance of the existing property, visually intrusive to neighbouring properties, and detrimental to the visual amenity of the street scene, iii) Sub-standard quality of accommodation internally and externally, iv) Overbearing and visually intrusive development, and detrimental to amenity of adjoining properties, v) Over-provision of car parking.

Significant New Applications

111a Foxley Lane (Ref: 22/04408/FUL) Extension and conversion of the existing house to create 2 x five-bedroom semi-detached houses and erection of 2 x three-bedroom bungalows to the rear of the site, with a total of 7 car parking spaces. Comment: Propose objection based on: Over development of the site, Out of character (esp the proposed bungalows to the rear of the site and backing on to the Webb Estate), Detrimental to the amenity of occupiers of adjoining properties, Highway concerns.

20 Manor Way (Ref: 22/05178/OUT) Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing house and construction of a 3 storey building of 8 flats (2 x 1 bed, 3 x 2 bed, 3 x 3 bed) with 8 car parking spaces. Comment: Uniquely 20 Manor Way appears twice in the same report! Propose Objection based on: : Over development of the site, Out of character, Detrimental to the amenity of occupiers of adjoining properties, Highway concerns.

32 Plough Lane (Ref: 22/05359/FUL) Construction of a terrace of 3 x 3 bed houses, with a total of 6 car parking spaces, to the rear of the existing house. Comment: The Committee resolved to adopt a neutral stance.

8a Russell Hill Road (Ref: 23/00508/FUL) Alteration of existing flat into two flats (1 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed). Comment: Propose a neutral stance.

49a Selcroft Road (Ref: 23/00014/FUL) Demolition of existing family home and construction of 7 flats (5 x 2 bed, 2 x 3 bed) with a total of 6 car parking spaces. Comment: Propose Objection based on: Over development of the site, Out of character, Detrimental to the amenity of occupiers of adjoining properties, Highway concerns.

57 Selcroft Road (Ref: 23/00099/FUL) 18 flats (3 x 1 bed, 2 x 2 bed, 13 x 3 bed) with 18 car parking spaces. Comment: This a re-application for this site. A previous proposal for 24 flats was refused. Propose objection based on: Over development of the site, Out of character, Detrimental to the amenity of occupiers of adjoining properties, Highway concerns.

5 Smitham Downs Road (Ref: 23/00133/FUL) Construction of a 5 bed detached house on land adjacent to existing, with a detached garage fronting The Vale. Comment: This site has been the subject of numerous planning applications. Most recently an application for 20 flats rejected at Appeal. This latest application is similar to one from 2017 for a 5 bed house which was granted. Propose a neutral stance.

Purley Hospital (Ref: 22/05284/FUL) Modular building for CT scanner. Comment: Good to see improved / increased services at Purley Hospital.


11 Little Woodcote Lane (Ref: 21/03422/FUL) Division of site and construction of a 5 bed house. Comment: Appeal against refusal of planning application. Reasons for refusal: ‘The proposed development, by reason of its siting, overall scale and design, would be out of keeping with the semi-rural character of the surrounding area’.


Farm Drive (Webb Estate) ‘Spindlewood’ (Ref: 22/04493/FUL) 6 bed house. Comment: This application is also shown as ‘Refused’.

32 Highfield Road (Ref: 22/02239/FUL) Demolition of existing outbuildings and the construction of a detached house adjacent to existing.

179 Kingsdown Avenue (Ref: 21/016357/FUL) Demolition of existing property and construction of 2 x semi-detached houses to the front of the site and 2 bungalows to the rear.

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