Purley Planning Summary – 24th October 2022

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The current volume of planning applications and decisions in the PWRA area can make it challenging to keep up with what is being proposed for our area. Consequently the PWRA Planning Officer now prepares a summary of planning activity in our area so we can more easily track this, and determine the action we will take for new planning applications.

We believe that this will also be useful for members and publish it here so YOU can quickly see what we believe to be the most significant planning matters in the PWRA area, the actions we will be taking / have taken, and enable members to take their own actions (eg objecting or supporting new planning applications).

Please do read through this Planning Summary, and we strongly urge you to also take the actions that we at the PWRA will be taking (see Objection reasons in RED INK) in response to the new applications listed.

Running Total of Additional Housing Units in the PWRA Area (from 2018):

Total: 3431 housing units

of which:

Approved: 1854 housing units

Pending: 477 housing units

Refused: 952 housing units

Withdrawn: 148 housing units

Applications Granted

Land at 91 Foxley Lane (Ref: 21/05546/FUL) Demolition of existing garages and construction of a 5 bed house.

3 Monahan Avenue (Ref: 22/03384/FUL) Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of a 4 bed house.

Applications Refused

16A Higher Drive (Ref: 22/02576/FUL) Extension and conversion of existing house into 3 Flats Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) Out of character with the area; ii) Detrimental to the amenity of occupiers of adjoining properties; iii) Insufficient private amenity space for all units and an unacceptable outlook for bedrooms serving the second floor flat; iv) Inadequate car parking.  

20 Russell Hill (Former cycle shop) (Ref: 22/01226/FUL) Conversion to a gym. Comment: Reasons for refusal: i) The applicant has failed to demonstrate through a sequential test that the proposed town centre use would be acceptable within an edge of town centre location and would not harm the vitality of the existing town centre (Not sure I really follow the logic of this reason for refusal, given the on-going changes in and around Purley town centre); ii) Insufficient cycle storage on site; iii) The proposal fails to address fire safety.

Significant New Applications

114 Brighton Road (Ref: 22/03998/FUL) Change of use to café (ground floor) and beauty salon (lower ground floor). Comment: Propose a neutral stance.

938 Brighton Road (Ref: 22/03895/GPDO) Change of use of part ground floor and upper floors from retail to residential. Comment: Propose a neutral stance.

15 Pampisford Road (Ref: 22/03846/FUL) Demolition of existing family home (which appears to have been allowed to deteriorate) and construction of 5 flats (4 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed), and 3 x 3 bed terraced houses, all with no car parking. Comment: Propose objection based on: Loss of a family home, Overdevelopment, Out of keeping, Detrimental to the amenity of occupiers of adjoining properties, Inadequate car parking for a development of the size and scale proposed.

20 Purley Rise (Ref: 22/02489/FUL) Demolition of existing family home and construction of 9 flats (2 x 1 bed, 4 x 2 bed, 3 x 3 bed) with 5 car parking spaces. Comment: Propose objection based on: Loss of a family home, Overdevelopment, Out of keeping, Detrimental to the amenity of occupiers of adjoining properties, Inadequate car parking for a development of the size and scale proposed.   

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