Purley Planning Summary – 5th Febuary 2020

PWRA’s Purley Planning Summary – Feb 2020

The current volume of planning applications and decisions in the PWRA area can make it challenging to keep up with what is being proposed for our area. Consequently the PWRA Planning Officer now prepares a summary of planning activity in our area so we can more easily track this, and determine the action we will take for new planning applications.

We believe that this will also be useful for members and publish it here so YOU can quickly see what we believe to be the most significant planning matters in the PWRA area, the actions we will be taking / have taken, and enable members to take their own actions (eg objecting or supporting new planning applications).

Applications Granted

29 Banstead Road (Ref: 17/05303/FUL) Original Description: demolition of existing detached building and erection of a three storey building with accommodation in roof-space hayamix.com comprising 8 x 2 bed flats with 8 associated car parking spaces. New description is: Alterations and erection of single/two storey side/rear extension, roof extension and dormer extension on rear roof slope and balcony areas at rear, conversion to form 1 x 3 bed and 3 x 1 bed flats with associated bin and cycle stores.

14 Russell Green Close (Ref: 19/04607/FUL) Demolition of existing property and construction of a four-storey building with 7 flats (2 x 1-bed, 4 x 2-bed, 1 x 3-bed) with 3 car parking spaces.

56 Brighton Road (Ref: 19/04275) House conversion for 4 flats (1 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed and 2 x 3 bed flats), 3 car parking spaces. Comment: This is a semi-detached house that has deteriorated to the point that redevelopment would be a significant improvement to its existing condition.

Applications Refused

93 Downlands Road (Ref: 19/05671/FUL) 1 bed ‘house’ in front garden. Refusal grounds – Out of character with surroundings, Incongruous design, no car parking.

Significant New Applications

131 Woodcote Valley Road (Ref: 19/05928/FUL) Demolition of existing property and erection of a three storey building with 9 flats (4 x 3 bed, 5 x 2 bed) with 6 car parking spaces. Comment: Object. Looking at the plans the following grounds of objection seem appropriate: loss of a family home, overdevelopment of the site, insufficient amenity space, detrimental to the amenities of occupiers of adjoining properties (due to visual intrusion and loss of privacy), inadequate car parking.

66 Foxley Lane (Ref: 19/06038/FUL) Conversion of house into 5 residential units (3 x 2 bed, 2 x 1 bed) with 2 car parking spaces. A garage and conservatory will be demolished and a two storey extension added. There will be little change in the overall footprint of the property. Comment: Object based on loss of a family home, and highway / road safety grounds (insufficient car parking for a development of this size on the already busy and congested Foxley Lane)

8 Woodcote Drive: (Ref: 20/00277/FUL) Demolition of existing property and construction of 9 flats (6 x 1 bed, 3 x 3 bed) with 6 car parking spaces. Comment: This proposal is on the corner of Woodcote Drive and Peaks Hill, opposite John Fisher and close to Laleham Lea. Object based on; loss of a family home, design out of keeping with the locality and surrounding townscape, over-development / insufficient amenity space, detrimental to the amenities of occupiers of adjoining properties (due to visual intrusion and loss of privacy), inadequate car parking, and significant Highway and road safety issues due to the proximity of two schools – It appears the applicant has included a highway survey to justify the insufficient car parking provision for which the fieldwork was undertaken on 14th August during school holidays, and if so this is disingenuous. The neighbours have also be asked to get in touch with both schools, who I am sure will have concerns, and through them potentially LB Sutton.

126 Foxley Lane (Ref: 19/05884/FUL) Conversion of 8 bed care home to a 10 person HMO. Apparently the property was visited by the council’s HMO officers and they have confirmed the quality of the accommodation is satisfactory, subject to minor internal changes. The only external alteration seems to be the addition of a bicycle store for 10 bicycles. Comment: I believe that the existing care home is currently vacant. This application leaves the existing building intact. Given this I believe that the basis of an objection would be that there are too many such HMO properties in the area, which is not the case in this location. I therefore propose no comment.

135 Foxley Lane (Ref: 19/05838/FUL) Demolition of a garage and erection of 5 bedroom dwelling with associated parking, refuse store, cycle store and landscaping. Comment: Support this proposal

32-42 High Street (Flats over ‘Las Fuentes Restaurant’) (Ref: 19/06033/DISC) Clearing a number of the planning conditions, including the exterior cladding. Comment: No comment proposed.

Tudor Court – 6/16 Russell Hill (Ref: 19/05952/FUL) Internal and external alterations/demolitions to convert and extend the existing roof space to provide 6 additional units and three storey rear extension to provide external balconies for the existing flats. Comment: Support ‘refurbishment’ and extension of existing town centre properties as an example of ‘correct’ planning policy.

9-11 Whytecliffe Road – Former Police Station (Ref: 19/06061/GPDO) Change of use from B1 office use to 6 x C3 residential flats (3 x 1 bed, 3 x 2 bed) under GPDO rules. Comment: Support ‘refurbishment’ and extension of existing town centre properties as an example of ‘correct’ planning policy.

41 Woodcrest Road (Ref: 19/06036/FUL) Demolition of existing property and erection of a three storey building with 8 flats (3 x 3 bed, 5 x 2 bed) with 5 car parking spaces. Comment: This is a revised application for this property, the previous application for 9 flats (Ref: 19/03454/FUL) having been withdrawn after officer comments. We previously objected based on: the loss of a family home, overdevelopment of the site and insufficient car parking. Despite the changes made for this application we should still object on the same basis.


64 Foxley Lane (Ref: 18/06176/FUL) Construction of three 2 bed ‘Mews’ houses in back garden. Planning Appeal dismissed.


54 Grasmere Road (19/03793/FUL) Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of building to provide 7 flats (1 x 1 bed, 5 x 2 bed, 1 x 3 bed) with 7 car parking spaces

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